Pursuant to the Local Governments Act of 1980, the Minister may arrange with the Auditor General for an audit of a local government under the following circumstances: (a) on the petition of not less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the registered voters in the local government area or (b) on his motion if he has reason to suspect any fiscal irregularity in the conduct of the affairs and operations of the local government.
Further, the Auditor General or persons authorized by him may audit the accounts & records of the Local Government at any time.
Ailinglaplap Atoll Local Government
Financial Statements
| FY2014 – FY2018 |
Ailuk Atoll Local Government
Financial Statements
| FY2014 – FY2018 |
Arno Atoll Local Government
Financial Statements
| FY2014 – FY2017 |
Aur Atoll Local Government
Ebon Atoll Local Government
Financial Statements
| FY2008-FY2011 |
Enewetak / Ujelang Local Government
Financial Statements
| FY2020 | FY2013 | FY2012 | FY2011 | FY2010 | FY2009 | FY2008 | FY2007 | FY2006 | FY2005 | FY2004 |
Management Letter
| FY2020 | FY2019 | FY2013 | FY2012 | FY2011 | FY2010 | FY2009 | FY2008 | FY2007 | FY2006 |
EULGov Food Program
| FY2019 | FY2018| FY2017 | FY2016 | FY2015 | FY2014 | FY2013 | FY2012 | FY2011 | FY2010 | FY2009 | FY2008 | FY2007 | FY2006 | FY2005 | FY2004 |
Jabat Atoll Local Government
Financial Statements
| FY2014 – FY2018 |
Jaluit Atoll Local Government
Financial Statements
| FY2014 – FY2018 |
Kili, Bikini, Ejit (KBE) Local Government
Financial Statements
| FY2018 | FY2017 | FY2016 | FY2015 | FY2014 | FY2013 | FY2012 | FY2011 | FY2010 | FY2009 |
Management Letter
| FY2018 | FY2017 | FY2016 | FY2015 | FY2014 | FY2013 | FY2012 | FY2011 | FY2010 | FY2009 |
Bikini Claims Trust Fund
| FY2016 | FY2015 | FY2014 | FY2013 |
Resettlement Trust Fund
Lae Atoll Local Government
Financial Statements
| FY2013 – FY2017 |
Lib Island Local Government
Financial Statements
| FY2014 – 2018 |
Likiep Atoll Local Government
Financial Statements
| FY2013 – FY2016 |
Maloelap Atoll Local Government
Financial Statements
| FY2013-FY2016 |
Mejit Island Local Government
Financial Statements
| FY2013-FY2016 |
Mili Atoll Local Government
Financial Statements
| FY2008-FY2011 |
Namdrik Atoll Local Government
Financial Statements
| FY2008-FY2012 |
Namu Atoll Local Government
Financial Statements
| FY2012-FY2016 |
Ujae Atoll Local Government
Financial Statements
| FY2014 – 2018 |
Wotho Atoll Local Government
Financial Statements
| FY2013 – 2018 |
Wotje Atoll Local Government
Financial Statements
| FY2010-FY2014 |