OAG Attends Training on Performance Auditing and Writing Audit Reports by Objectives


December 19, 2022

Majuro, MH., On December 12th thru 14th, 2022, the Auditor-General and staff of the Office of the Auditor-General (OAG) participated in a training in the area of Performance Auditing and Writing Audit Report by Objectives at the OAG’s complex in Majuro. The three-day course was sponsored by Graduate School USA with funding support from the United States Department of the Interior, Office of Insular Affairs. The training was desgined for public audit professionals who are actively conducting and delivering performance audit results and new auditors who have just started their performance auditing career. The training was also attended by OAG’s financial auditors, investigators, and other support staff.

The training was delivered by Mr. Drummond Kahn who serves on the faculty of the Graduate School USA and who is also a past national President of the Association of Local Government Audits (ALGA). Mr. Kahn previously served in federal, state, and local government auditing positions, including Chief of Internal Audit Services for the Oregon Department of Transportation, Director of Audit Services for the City of Portland, State Audit Administrator for the Oregon Audits Division, and in the U.S. Government Accountability Office. He was named one of the 15 most Influential Professionals in Government Auditing by the Institute of Internal Auditors’ Center for Government Auditing, among distinguished awards to his name.

By attending the three-day training, the participants earned a total of 24 continuing professional education (CPE) and thus meeting the requirements of the Government Auditing Standards (more commonly referred to as the Yellowbook), issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. The standards require auditors to receive a total of 80 CPE hours every two years, of which, 24 CPE hours must be related to government auditing, the government environment, or specific environments in which the audited entity operates. The 24 CPE hours received from this training are directly related to government auditing.

The OAG would like to acknowledge the Graduate School USA for the training opportunity and the U.S. Department of the Interior for the funding support.

Mr. Kahn delivered Performance Audit Training to OAG staff
Mr. Kahn with OAG staff on the last day of Performance Audit Training

Media Contact

Leban Joash – I.T Manager & Communications Officer

Email: joashlebon@gmail.com | Phone: 692 625-3390

Website: www.rmioag.com


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