OAG participated in the Induction Seminar for new Nitijela Members


January 5th, 2024

Majuro, Marshall Islands: The Auditor-General, Mr. Junior Patrick, participated in a 2-day Induction Seminar on January 4 and 5, 2024 for the new members of the Nitijela (Parliament) of the Republic of the Marshall Islands. The Induction Seminar featured presentations from the Attorney-General who spoke on the separation of power requirements under the RMI Constitution, ethical requirements for elected officials, and interaction between the executive branch and legislature. The Legislative Counsel (LC) of the Nitijela also provided an overview of the role of the Speaker and Members of the Nitijela (law-making, oversight, and representation roles). The LC discussed in great detail the law-making process and the tools and privileges Nitijela Members have. The Clerk of the Nitijela also provided an overview of the support her Office provides to the Nitijela Members and Standing Committees.

An overview of the RMI budget process was provided by the Secretary of Finance who was represented by two Assistant Secretaries. The LC also provided an overview of the Nitijela’s oversight responsibility over public spending and scrutiny of audit reports that are provided by the Auditor-General.

In its presentation, the Auditor-General provided an overview of the functions of the Office of the Auditor-General and reporting obligation to the Nitijela. The Auditor-General reiterated the remarks by the LC on the importance of the oversight role the Nitijela plays, through its Standing Committee on Public Accounts (PAC), to scrutinize public spending and especially discuss how the Auditor-General’s recommendation may be implemented. The Auditor-General also explained the RMI public financial management (PFM-short version) for the benefit of the Members.

The Auditor-General was joined by Ms. Atmita Jonathan, Assistant Auditor-General, throughout the 2-day Induction Seminar for new Members of the Nitijela.

OAG would like to thank the Speaker and the Clerk of the Nitijela, and the LC for the invitation to participate at this important Induction Seminar for the new Nitijela Members.

Nitijela Members during the 2024 Induction Seminar, OAG’s presentation slot.


Media Contact:

Leban Joash – IT Manager & Communication Officer

Email: joashlebon@gmail.com | Phone: 692 625 3390

Website: www.rmioag.com

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