RMI auditors engaged in a peer review of Kosrae State OPA


July 31, 2024

Majuro, Marshall Islands: A team of auditors visited the Kosrae State Office of the Public Auditor (OPA) from July 8 to 12, 2024, to conduct external quality control, which is an independent peer review as required by the Government Auditing Standards. Government auditing entities must undergo peer review at least every three years to ensure compliance with the Government Auditing Standards. The peer review conducted was for the period from January 1, 2021, to December 31, 2023.

The peer review team comprised of Ms. Atmita Jonathan, Assistant Auditor-General of RMI OAG (Team Leader); Ms. Roselinda Mori, Senior Auditor from Chuuk OPA (Team Member); Ms. Ruthann N. Wase, Audit Staff from RMI OAG (Observer); and Ms. Shannaleen Braiel, Auditor II from Chuuk OPA (Observer). After completing the review, the team determined that Kosrae OPA received a pass rating with deficiencies for the period of January 1, 2021, to December 31, 2023.

The peer review ensures compliance with the Government Auditing Standards. It also provides auditors with opportunities to cooperate with other auditors in the Micronesian region, gain experience, and explore different audit offices to understand how audit work impacts governments across the region. The RMI OAG expresses its gratitude to Assistant Auditor-General Ms. Atmita Jonathan and Audit Staff Mrs. Ruthann N. Wase for their professionalism during the Peer Review trip on behalf of the office.

The Peer Review team, along with the Kosrae State Public Auditor and staff, are pictured outside the OPA building.
From left to right: Ms. Roselinda Mori, Ms. Shannaleen Braiel from Chuuk OPA, and Ms. Atmita Jonathan, RMI Assistant Auditor-General. The picture was taken by Mrs. Ruthann N. Wase from RMI OAG.


Media Contact:

Leban Joash – IT Manager & Communication Officer

Email: ljoash@rmioag.com | Phone: 692 625 3390

Website: www.rmioag.com

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