OAG Received Support in the area of Fraud Prevention and Detection from the EU

Majuro, Marshall Islands, April 27th, 2023: The OAG is pleased to announce the capacity-building training and support it received from the European Union (EU) in the area of fraud detection and prevention by placing a Fraud Adviser and Expert to assist. The support received aims to strengthen the capability of OAG’s fraud prevention and detection funtion to conduct effective special reviews into alleged fraudulent activities across all governmental institutions.

The Fraud Adviser and Expert, Mr. Marc Alix, arrived in November 2022 to provide one-to-one hands-on training to OAG investigators. The training includes formal classroom instructions, reviewing and implementing international best practice investigations technical standards, reviewing existing complaint-handling operations, and improving other investigations-specific policies and procedures as necessary.  He is a Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist, CAMS; Certified Fraud Examiner, CFE; Certified Forensic Financial Analyst, MAFF/CFFA; International Association for Financial Crimes, Financial Crimes Investigator; International Asset Recovery Specialist; Criminal Intelligence Analyst; Former Bank Examiner of The New York Branch of The USA Federal Reserve Board of Governors. In addition, Mr. Alix has over 31 years of experience in regulatory compliance related to anti-money laundering, counter-terrorist financing, fraud, corruption, ethics, sanctions, forensic investigations, intelligence gathering, surveillance, and information technology operations, among other financial crimes-related experience and accomplishments. He is stationed at the OAG for a period of 8-9 months, possibly longer, to continue to provide support to our investigators.

The OAG would like to thank the EU for the technical assistance and support, which is funded through the Budget Support towards RMI’s Public Financial Management (PRF) reforms.

From left to right: Ms. Laulani Loeak, Deputy Chief Investigator, Mr. Randall McKay, Investigator, Mr. Marc Andrew Alix, Fraud Adviser/Expert, Mr. Thompson Hanchor, Investigator, and Ms. Lucia Reimers, Deputy Chief Investigator.


Media Contact:

Leban Joash – IT Manager & Communication Officer

Email: joashlebon@gmail.com | Phone: 692 625 3390

Website: www.rmioag.com

OAG Attends Training on Performance Auditing and Writing Audit Reports by Objectives

December 19, 2022

Majuro, MH., On December 12th thru 14th, 2022, the Auditor-General and staff of the Office of the Auditor-General (OAG) participated in a training in the area of Performance Auditing and Writing Audit Report by Objectives at the OAG’s complex in Majuro. The three-day course was sponsored by Graduate School USA with funding support from the United States Department of the Interior, Office of Insular Affairs. The training was desgined for public audit professionals who are actively conducting and delivering performance audit results and new auditors who have just started their performance auditing career. The training was also attended by OAG’s financial auditors, investigators, and other support staff.

The training was delivered by Mr. Drummond Kahn who serves on the faculty of the Graduate School USA and who is also a past national President of the Association of Local Government Audits (ALGA). Mr. Kahn previously served in federal, state, and local government auditing positions, including Chief of Internal Audit Services for the Oregon Department of Transportation, Director of Audit Services for the City of Portland, State Audit Administrator for the Oregon Audits Division, and in the U.S. Government Accountability Office. He was named one of the 15 most Influential Professionals in Government Auditing by the Institute of Internal Auditors’ Center for Government Auditing, among distinguished awards to his name.

By attending the three-day training, the participants earned a total of 24 continuing professional education (CPE) and thus meeting the requirements of the Government Auditing Standards (more commonly referred to as the Yellowbook), issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. The standards require auditors to receive a total of 80 CPE hours every two years, of which, 24 CPE hours must be related to government auditing, the government environment, or specific environments in which the audited entity operates. The 24 CPE hours received from this training are directly related to government auditing.

The OAG would like to acknowledge the Graduate School USA for the training opportunity and the U.S. Department of the Interior for the funding support.

Mr. Kahn delivered Performance Audit Training to OAG staff
Mr. Kahn with OAG staff on the last day of Performance Audit Training

Media Contact

Leban Joash – I.T Manager & Communications Officer

Email: joashlebon@gmail.com | Phone: 692 625-3390

Website: www.rmioag.com


Auditor-General Attended the 32nd PASAI Governing Board Meeting

December 1, 2022

Majuro, MH., On Thursday November 24, 2022, the Auditor-General, Mr. Junior Patrick, attended the 32nd Governing Body meeting of the Pacific Association of Supreme Audit Institutions (PASAI) in Auckland, New Zealand. Mr. Patrick attended the PASAI Governing Board meeting in the capacity as the current Micronesia Representative.

PASAI is the official association of supreme audit institutions (government audit offices and similar organizations, known as SAIs) in the Pacific region. PASAI promotes transparent, accountable, effective, and efficient use of public sector resources in the Pacific. It contributes to that goal by helping its member SAIs improve the quality of public sector auditing in the Pacific to uniformly high standards. The Governing Board sets PASAI’s direction and oversees the activities of its Secretariat. The Government Board is responsible for formulating strategies and policies for the organization. The Board also approves the 3-year workplan and budget and the rules for the conduct of PASAI activities.

During the meeting, the Board received updates from PASAI’s Chief Executive Officer, Mrs. Esther Lomeko-Poutoa and her staff at the Secretariat on its activities during the first four months of 2022-2023 financial year. The Members also reviewed and endorsed certain revisions to PASAI’s policies and also commenced work on developing PASAI’s next Strategic Plan.

The meeting was chaired by Mr. Sairusi Dukuno, the Acting Auditor-General of Fiji and Chair of the PASAI Governing Board and was joined online by Mr. John Ryan, PASAI Secretary-General and Controller and Auditor-General of New Zealand.

The OAG would like to thank the PASAI Members and Secretariat for their work in the region.

Mr. Patrick with Attendees at PASAI’s 32nd Governing Board Meeting outside the meeting venue

Media Contact

Leban Joash

I.T Manager & Communication Officer

Email: joashlebon@gmail.com | Phone: 692 625 3390

Website: www.rmioag.com



November 14, 2022

Majuro, MH., On Friday, November 11, 2022, the Office of the Auditor-General (OAG) held a dedication and blessing ceremony for its newly constructed/renovated Office complex in Delap Village, Majuro. Among those attending the dedication ceremony were H.E. David Kabua and First Lady Ginger Kabua and Honorable Kenneth A. Kedi, Speaker of the Nitijela (Parliament), several members of the Presidential Cabinet and the Nitijela. Both President Kabua and Speaker Kedi delivered remarks and congratulated the Auditor-General and staff for the completion of the newly renovated/expanded OAG complex.

Irooj Yoland Jurelang delivered the welcoming remarks on behalf of Lerooj Esther Zedkaia and the landowners of Lokejbar weto (land parcel) where the Office complex is located. Irooj Yoland also congratulated OAG for the completion of its newly constructed Office complex. In his remarks, Mr. Junior Patrick, Auditor-General, thanked the RMI Government for the funding assistance that have made the OAG complex expansion and renovation project possible. Mr. Patrick also congratulated all OAG staff on the completion of the Office complex and challenged his staff to do better in performing the various responsibilities of the Office he leads. Mr. Patrick remarked, “we can have the best facility but what matters most is what comes out of this building”. This proceeding was followed by live music entertainment, refreshments and open-house tour for audience interested.

On behalf of the Auditor-General, we would like to thank everyone for coming to this dedication ceremony. Special thanks and recognition to Rev. Tim Mea (represented by Rev. Lami Paul) of the Uliga United Church of Christ, Lerooj Esther Zedkaia and landowners of Lokejbar Weto, H.E. President Kabua, and Hon. Speaker Kenneth A. Kedi for their kind & wonderful remarks.

Media Contact:

Leban Joash – I.T Manager & Communication Officer

Email: joashlebon@gmail.com | Phone: 692 625 3390

Website: www.rmioag.com



June 17th, 2022

Majuro, MH., June 17th, 2022 — The Office of the Auditor-General (OAG) is pleased to announce the completion of its new Five-Year Strategic Plan FY2023 – FY2027. The new Strategic Plan was developed through a consultation process with our key stakeholders as well as consideration of issues and recommendations that were identified in the past studies such as the SAI Performance Management Framework (SAI PMF) Report (2021) and the regional study on Accountability and Transparency (2015) in which OAG’s legal framework was assessed against the internationally-recommended setting for SAI or audit institution as stipulated in the Mexico Declaration on SAI Independence.

The Strategic Plan outlines our priorities and 4 desired outcomes, and how we plan to achieve them. We will regularly monitor and evaluate the success of this plan. It is our hope that we will receive support and resources we need to successfully implement this plan.

We would like to thank our stakeholders that we met for their feedback and OAG personnel for their contributions during the development of this Strategic Plan.

Media Contact

Leban Joash

I.T Manager & Communication Officer

Email: joashlebon@gmail.com | Phone: (692) 625 3390

Website: www.rmioag.com


OAG Bids Farewell to a Longtime Auditor and Friend – Mrs. Karen T. Joklur

We are sad to bid our farewell to a longtime auditor and friend, Mrs. Karen T. Joklur, who retired after 34 plus years with the OAG. Karen was one of our longest serving and well trained auditors. During her tenure with the OAG, Karen contributed toward many of our audit and investigation products, trained young auditors, and gave her best to the job.

We thank Karen for her contributions and many years in public service and wish her well in her retirement. You will be missed around here. Please keep in touch.

OAG Farewell/Appreciation Dinner with Mrs. Karen T. Joklur

Media Contact

Leban Joash

IT Manager & Communication Officer / (692) 625-3390 / www.rmioag.com


Auditor-General Office wins ALGA Award & National Recognition

Majuro, MH, May 20th, 2021 — The Office of the Auditor-General (OAG) proudly announces that its Audit of the Passport Program won a 2020 Distinguished Knighton Award from the Association of Local Government Auditors (ALGA) for best performance audit in the Small Shop Category. Each year, local government audit organizations from the U.S. and Canada submit their best performance audit reports for judging. The purpose of the competition is to improve government services by encouraging and increasing levels of excellence among government auditors. Judges from peer organizations determined that this audit was among the best of 2020. The Award was presented virtually during ALGA’s Annual Conference on May 4, 2021.

The Audit of the Passport Program was judged on several key elements, such as the potential for significant impact, the persuasiveness of the conclusions, the focus on improving government efficiency and effectiveness, and its clarity and conciseness.

OAG congratulates its staffs on the achievement of this prestigious award and shares this award with former auditors who made contributions to our report.

Media Contact

Mr. Jean Digno, Communication/IT Director
Email: digno.jean@gmail.com
Phone: (692) 625-3390/3192



Majuro, MH, April 7th, 2021 — The Office of the Auditor General (OAG) of the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) was invited by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MOFAT) to participate as one of the panelist during an Imprest Funds and Induction training for new diplomats who will be posted at various RMI Oversees Missions and Embassies. Also participated during the Induction Program were Mr. Patrick Langrine, Secretary of Finance, and staff who delivered training on the Imprest Fund Guidelines and Operating procedures that all Overseas Missions are expected to follow.

The OAG shared with the participants the common problems found in the audit of RMI Missions abroad in the past. In his remarks, the Auditor General reminded the new diplomats that as public servants and stewards of public resources we have an obligation to make sure public resources are used for their intended purpose and in accordance with all applicable government policies and procedures.

Secretary of MOFAT
Mrs. Anjanette Kattil (seated, 2nd front-right), MOFAT Secretary, delivered her opening remarks during the opening of the training.


Secretary of Finance
Participants from the MOFAT, MOF, and OAG during the Induction training.


Mr. Damiee Riklon, Audit Manager (right), and Mr. Maludrik Maludrik, Audit Supervisor (left), shared previous findings on the embassies with the participants.


Answering Questions
Mr. Damiee Riklon, Audit Manager (right), and Mr. Maludrik Maludrik, Audit Supervisor (center), answering questions at the end of their presentation. With Mr. Junior Patrick, Auditor General (left), sitting alongside them.

Media Contact

Jean Digno

IT Manager & Communication Officer/ (692) 625-3390/ www.rmioag.com


Office of the Auditor-General Announces Its New Financial & Compliance Audit Manager, MR. Iowane Tiko.

Majuro, MH, July 14th, 2020- The Office of the Auditor-General (OAG) announces today the hiring of its new Audit Manager for Financial & Compliance Auditing Department, Mr. Iowane P. Tiko.

Mr. Tiko brings over 5 years of professional experience in the financial auditing field. Previously, Mr. Tiko worked at the PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), a multinational professional services network of firms which offers business advisory services such as auditing, accounting, taxation, strategy management, and human resource consulting services, in Suva, Republic of Fiji.

As the Financial Audit Manager, Mr. Tiko is responsible for managing and directing all financial/compliance audit engagements of OAG, including planning the audit engagements, developing audit program and scope for staff to follow; and finalize all audit reports for final review and issuance.

OAG strives to strengthen its capability to improve accountability and governance across the public institutions through its audits. “The recent recruitment of Mr. Tiko demonstrates the OAG’s commitment to strengthen its capability to fulfill its audit responsibility. OAG is delighted to have Mr. Tiko on board who brings in great experience in the area of financial auditing” says Mr. Junior Patrick, the Auditor-General.

 “The prospect of working for the Office of the Auditor-General- RMI will be personally very exciting, humbling and definitely reignite my passion for auditing,” Tiko says. “I am eager to make a positive contribution towards the OAG and also for the country and economy as a whole.”

Media Contact

Anastasia Dujmovic

IT Manager & Communication Officer/ (692) 625-3390/ www.rmioag.com


Training on Financial and Investigative Audits

By Anastasia Dujmovic

Majuro, MH – For many audit agencies, the ultimate goal is to examine, assist and teach government departments how to effectively manage public money and prevent fraud by practicing good governance, risk management and internal controls.

The Office of the Auditor-General (OAG) was established to conduct audits of the entire Republic of the Marshall Islands’ agencies and activities. In order to successfully achieve the office’s aims of undertaking high quality audits and serving as a leader in delivering public audit services, OAG staff and employees attend trainings for professional growth.

OAG invited Mr. Martin Ruben from Ruben Consulting to conduct training from October 21st to 25th, 2019, on financial and investigative audits. The two main goals of the training were to enhance auditing skills for financial auditors and to provide basic training on investigation to new investigators.

Auditor-General Junior Patrick, Assistant Auditor-General Atmita Jonathan, OAG’s management team, financial auditors, performance auditors and fraud investigators, and two auditors from Deloitte & Touche successfully completed the training and received certification of completion.

All attendees benefitted as they enhanced their competency and obtained certificate of professional education (CPE) hours required to continue working in the audit organization. Attending and hosting trainings are some of the ways Office of the Auditor-General contribute staff and employees’ personal, professional and overall organizational growth. OAG is grateful for the Graduate School for providing this capacity building opportunity for benefits of its staffs.